
My bathroom sink blew up in my face.

It’s blown up before, but not while I was home, much less looking at it saying to myself, “What’s that noise?”


That’s the noise it made. B-L-O-R-P. All capitals.

Before today, I didn’t know why, once every few months, I would come home to find dingy water stains and bits of mildew all around the sink, and the drain stopper rolling around on the counter or the floor. To finally answer this divine mystery, God sent the plumber with his compressed air gun to the neighbor’s apartment while I was getting ready for work on Tuesday morning.

I forget exactly what I was doing looking at the bathroom mirror; I may have been brushing my teeth, checking for stray facial hair, or generally just admiring my bad self. Then there was a brief gurgle from the drain, followed immediately by a full scale BLORP of stagnant water, bits of hair, and drain mold.

Apparently the plumber didn’t hear me scream like a little girl through the walls, because he fired two more shots of compressed air into the pipes, shooting out more water and even blowing out the drain cover in the shower. (Note: I didn’t scream like a little girl. It was more of an “AAAA!” than an “EEEEE!”)

I stepped back and sat down on the toilet seat, then, thinking better of it, stood right back up in fear. I was wet and covered in flecks of grime. I took some consolation in knowing that while our sinks and showers drain from the same pipe, the toilet is on a completely different pipe. Thus, whatever came out of that drain was mostly pipe grunge and not, you know, people grunge.

In a way, I felt like it was my fault. I wanted so badly to know why it looked like our sink blew up every few months. This was the punishment I got for questioning the power of plumbing. Still, who the hell connects pipes like this?



My roommate’s cat is trying to eat me.

I think it’s the soap I use. I got out of the shower a little while ago, and now she’s sitting on my lap, as she does from time to time. She seems pretty content, but every time I try to pet her she goes into a sniffing and licking frenzy. Even when I’m not petting her, but typing, I look away for one second and I feel that freaky cat tongue on my elbow. She took a little nip at my finger, not biting, but tasting.

I’m beginning to wonder for my safety. She is, after all, a very fat cat.

If I suddenly go missing, check the litter box for my watch.

Man, my life is exciting.


Exercise blows. It’s one of the few things that only gets better after you keep doing it.

Beer giving you a headache the next morning? Drink more, the hangovers will go away!

Donuts making you fat? Keep eating; your body will eventually absorb them!

No. The things that are bad for you start out great, but go wrong eventually. The things that are good for you suck at first, but pay off in the long run (Allegedly. Let’s just say I’ve never reached the physical fitness finish line).

I can’t discuss my own physical inadequacies with anyone because their answer is always the same, “It’ll get better the more you do it.”

What the hell kind of solution is that? That’s ass-backwards. I don’t like getting punched in the face either, but does that mean if someone keeps doing it I’ll develop an immunity to fists?

It’s boring too. I can’t seem to multi-task in my head as I exercise. Even if I listen to music, all I can think about is, “This sucks. It’s boring and exhausting. It doesn’t make me feel any better. Wow, check out the junk in that girl’s trunk! Sigh, I’m pathetic.”

I should consider taking up something more engaging like rock climbing or running away from bears; something where you don’t really have an option to give up. That’d whip me into shape. As it is, I get two sets done on the chest press and I’m thinking, “This sucks, I’m going home.”

I guess you have to ask yourself what your ultimate goal is. You have to keep reminding yourself what you’re working for, because frankly, I’m not doing this for kicks. My goal? That girl on the treadmill in front of me. I figure if I just crank this thing up faster and faster, I’ll eventually catch up to her, maybe ask for her number.