
OK, I'm feeling a little better now. Today kind of brightened my mood a bit, just because it was warm and sunshiny and all that crap. I'm still bummed though. Things could be better. It's all about the mood.

Hey, let's check the want ads today!

Boom Truck Operator
Alright you prehistoric screw-heads. See this? This is my boom truck!

Awake Overnight Staff
The second I find an overnight job that doesn't require me to be awake, I'm taking it.

Application Developer
This must be the guy who makes the forms you fill out when you apply for a job.

Auto Dismantler
Sounds like an easy job. Hell, my van practically does that by itself.

Job Developer
This one just blew my mind.

Anticipated Vacancies
Sure, you can send your resume, but how long until you become an "anticipated vacancy?"

Town Planner
OK, now I think the Wal-Mart should go here, right next to town hall.

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