
I think I've managed to corelate my dreams about failing school with excessive paperwork during my waking hours.

I've had the same dream two nights in a row now - I've been doing well in school, but I oversleep EVERY morning and manage to miss my morning classes repeatedly, then graduation draws near, my grades are stellar, but I've been absent from Gym and Physics for FOUR MONTHS! I get a zero for those two classes and I wind up having to take a summer course. My parents are sooo pissed. Anyway, that's how the dream goes. Sometimes the classes vary, but the theme is the same. I've been out of school over a year and a half now and I still have nightmares about missing class. Damn you higher education!!!

Before bed on both nights I was busy trying to attack the mountain of bills, tax forms, sticky note reminders, and and computer manuals that has piled itself on my desk. I'm certain that's what's causing the dreams. I've got to make a point to take care of that stuff earlier in the evening, and not right before I go to bed. That should eliminate the school nightmares, and make room for the dream about the showgirls with peanut butter. Oh yea.

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