
"I wish I could see myself as a great romantic figure. Someone to be admired... And respected... Loved? I'm aware enough to know what a far cry that wish is... I'm sick... I have to face that one simple fact. Something... is... very... very... wrong with me."
-Michael Allred "Madman"

Something is wrong with me too.

It's been happening for about two weeks, but I only just recently stopped and said, "What the hell is happening here?"

For starters, I'm getting forgetful. I've lived in this appartment for 10 months and I've only ever locked myself out once, about a month after I moved in... Now, in the past two weeks, I've locked myself out twice. The first time, two weeks ago, the landlord gave me an extra copy of my key. I put the spare key in my wallet because for some reason I've never locked myself out without my wallet. I've always had the spare van key in my wallet, which I then use to drive to the landlord's house and ask to borrow his key. Today I locked myself out without my keys or my wallet. I'm begining to suspect that if I had my spare key surgically implanted in my ass, soon I would somehow lock myself out without my ass.

And I forget why I'm in a room each time I enter it. This is really bad because I only have two rooms. It's not like I'm going up the stairs and down the hall. I walk the five feet from my bedroom to my kitchen and I can't remember why the hell I did it.

Secondly, my brain is turning off sooner than it usually does. It used to be that by the end of my work day I'd be getting tired and disorganized. You know, like from 4:30 to 5. It seemed acceptable, long day, running out of steam. Now it's happening around 3:00. I stare at my projects like I'm a veggetable. I pop open menus in Photoshop and then, after 30 seconds of looking, I realize I didn't really need anything from that menu.

And the creative block is horrible. Instead of brain storming I'm just getting a thick brain fog. I feel like I'm running into the same brick wall over and over. Not only can I not think outside the box, I've laid out a futon and decided that the box is a pretty cool place to be.

What the hell is wrong with me? Me loose brain?

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