
I am not down. Not at the moment, anyway. Given how mercurial my mood has been, I know that can change at any time, but right now I feel as though things are going to be alright. I think it’s important to mention that. I know the people who care about me (which, judging by the comments, is everyone who reads this journal), would like to know that I’m OK. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating; I love all of you.

I was having dinner with my dad this evening after an afternoon of surprisingly hassle free car shopping. It turns out that our first offer was the best, and I’m returning tomorrow to pickup the Toyota Corolla that I put on hold. I won’t go into details, I’ve been writing too much lately, but it’s an extremely reliable car (according to my research in Consumer Reports) and only two years old. The price was in the upper range of what I was looking for, but, after several odd dealer discounts, the monthly payment was exactly what I predicted. Things are looking good.

Anyway, I was having dinner at TGIFridays and began to feel something weird… it might have been relief. It could also have been the large Raspberry Ice Tini I ordered. Regardless, I felt good. I proceeded to have the best chicken-shrimp sizzler plate IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, and then let out of sigh of contentment.

Letting go of the van may have been good for me.

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