
Letters from Doom (Final)
July 29, 2104

Dear Mom and Dad,

So, it seems that somebody, and the company won’t name any names, has unleashed the forces of hell in Delta Labs. Now my weekend is completely shot.

Apparently, and I’ve gotten this information secondhand, the teleporters that they were experimenting with crossed over into another dimension. This dimension, let’s call it “Hell,” was all fire and brimstone and filled with a large number of creatures, let’s say “Demons,” who were very concerned with killing all of us. The rest of the details are kind of sketchy, but I’m guessing that we can thank the scientists for forgetting to close the door to hell.

Today I was in the bathroom when the ground shook. At first I thought it was because I had those burritos last night, but it happened again and there was all this screaming and yelling outside.

I cleaned up and went out into the hall. The lights were flickering, people were running around, and, I kid you not, there were flaming skulls flying though the air.

I only had my standard issue pop gun on me, so I ran back to my room to dip into the massive arms stash I had accumulated over the last week. On the way I was confronted by a six eyed demon with long fangs and sharp claws. I emptied a clip into him with my pistol, but he seemed unharmed. I then proceeded to run up to him and beat him to death with my flashlight. Let me tell you, that little flashlight did some damage.

After dispatching the demon and getting to my weapons cache, I proceeded to marine command.

Things have been downhill from there. I’ve run into very few people who haven’t been turned into the living dead. I mostly get radio transmissions from my Lieutenant, who is alive (oh... woo hoo.) and heading to Delta Labs, hoping to somehow stop the invasion.

I’ve taken some injuries in the fighting. Fortunately, first aid kits are strewn about, just like the ammo. Right now I’m feeling fine, but I am covered, head to toe, in bandages and pumped full of enough pain killers to put an ox to sleep.

I have no choice but to keep moving and try to help the Lieutenant. I’m going to show these beasts that they picked the wrong dimension to invade. I’m going to give them hell! Well, I guess they already had hell. I’m going to give them… heaven! No, wait, that doesn’t make sense. I’m going to kill them good! Yea!


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