
So I've made the decision to move home. This job just isn't working out. Frankly, it hasn't been working out for over a year and a half, but I've managed to stay with it. That says a lot about my resolve. It also goes a long way to explain my stress-related bowel disorders.

I don't see it as a step backwards, just a step sideways. A pit stop in the race of life. A bathroom break for the bladder of... um... ?

My main goal is to build up some savings. Living on my own is one thing (rent, utilities), but add to that paying for my own health insurance, frequent repairs to the crapmobile, and a seemingly random payment schedule, I have nothing to show for stashed cash.

Once I've got a little money, some of my friends and I plan to move in together. Multiple tenants = a fraction of the rent + a fraction of the utilities = happy happy Jon. Of course, in addition to the savings, living together makes it much easier to schedule a Mario Kart tournament.

Man oh man, I really don't know why I didn't think of this sooner.

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