
I haven't combed my hair in four days.

Don't get me wrong, I'm clean, I still bathe daily. But looking into the mirror today I realized that my hair was free as a bird. It curled and sprouted in a multitude of directions. I had stepped out of four days worth of showers and not once tamed my hair afterwards. It had almost become its' own being, going wherever it wanted and doing whatever it wanted, despite the rest of my head.

There just hasn't been any reason to comb it. I haven't gone out anywhere. All I'll I've been doing for the past week is make calls and send out resumes. I'm begining to wonder why I even get dressed in the morning. I could easily be networking in my underwear. Hell, I could be naked right now. But, it's too cold.

I wish I could say my hair looks good like this, but it looks like a deflated soufle. I'm starting to look like one of the children in Mad Max: Beyond the Tunderdome, minus all the grease.

I have a doctor's appointment today, so I guess I'll comb it. Not that I'm trying to impress my doctor, but there's usually a hot receiptionist at the front desk.

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