
When all is said and done, I guess I'm glad to be back home, back in the land of the Roast. Seriously, Pork Roast, Pot Roast, Rump Roast; my mom is on a serious Roast bender.

The trauma of moving is finally over, which means that all my stuff is still in boxes, but now it's only in one place. So far I've had some luck fitting it all into my room, the basement, and my sister's room. I know I'm still going to be trashing, selling, and condensing things for weeks though.

Funny side note on my sister's room. Once I had decided to move back home, we had to take the fold out couch out of my room (converted into a guest room). I really can't figure out why my room became the guest room only two months after I moved away when my sister hadn't lived in her room for FIVE YEARS. What the hell?! I guess I always wondered about that, but Chris was the one who pointed it out.

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